From today's article, you can find out what to do if your hip joint hurts.
It is this part of the human body that is responsible for the maximum load when walking and running. Problems in this area can lead to serious complications. Even if the pain occurs intermittently, proper treatment is required. In this case, the treatment options should be determined by the doctor after the diagnosis is made, since the treatment options completely depend on the pathology.
Causes of pain in the hip joint
First of all, you need to know the cause of the pain.
Traumatic causes
If the pain syndrome in the joints feels very strong, then the reasons may be as follows:
- Congenital hip dislocation, which can appear during childbirth. Such a malfunction is most often diagnosed in newborns. This can cause a pinched nerve.
- Traumatic dislocation is accompanied by very severe pain. Hematoma and edema occur in the affected area. This type of injury requires immediate treatment.
- Femoral neck fractures are common in women over 60 years of age. The cause of the injury is a fall or a blow. An unpleasant sensation is given to the inner thigh area. This disease causes pinched nerves and difficulty walking.
- With a transvertebral fracture of the femur, the pain is exacerbated by movement. The limbs may be numb, and the pain may radiate.
- Bruising of the hip joint is manifested by moderate pain. In a static state, such signs disappear. In this case, inequality can also occur.
Traumatic injuries are a common problem and cause unpleasant pain sensations. In some cases, even surgery is required.
If you experience numbness, it is important to seek help immediately. What a sore joint looks like can be seen in the photo.
Systemic disease
With systemic disorders of the connective tissue, pain may occur when walking. For that, an integrated approach is needed.
So, here are some pathologies that can cause pain:
- Ankylosing spondylitis is accompanied by dull pain. The pain is especially felt at night. The pain is localized in the sacrum or in the pelvis. At the same time, the knees hurt, stab and there may be discomfort in the groin area. A strong inflammatory process occurs in the left and right joints.
- Reiter's syndrome presents with genitourinary, conjunctival, and joint problems. There is severe pain and fever.
- Rheumatoid arthritis forms when connective tissue is damaged. A complication of the disease can be coxarthrosis of the hip joint. At the onset of the disease, swelling and edema appear. When walking, there is a feeling of discomfort, and pain gives to the legs.
- During inflammation, the temperature may rise. The development of the disease causes stiffness of movement.
Systemic pathology can trigger the appearance of various types of pain. However, it is not always possible to cope with this disease on your own.
If the treatment is wrong, complications will arise.
Degenerative changes
With this pathology, the pain is burning, pulling and sharp. They can be provoked by such diseases:
- Epiphyseal viral deformities are common during adolescence. Pain has a pulling and dull character. It can spread to the inside of the knee. After training, the pain syndrome increases. The connection may click.
- Coxarthrosis is a common disease. It takes a long time to treat such a disease. The disease cannot be started, as it leads to the formation of destructive and degenerative processes in the joints.
If the joints start to hurt after long walks, running or climbing stairs, then this can be considered an early sign of disease.
In later stages, the pain syndrome radiates to the groin and thighs. With daily stress, the intensity of symptoms may increase.
In this case, the work of the tendons and muscles is disturbed. In the last stage, the pain occurs even at night. The lameness becomes more pronounced and the muscles atrophy. Such pathologies must be treated in time, otherwise they can lead to permanent lameness.
infectious diseases
Discomfort can be caused by inflammation of the tendons, muscles and joint pockets.
Such an infectious disease can provoke painful symptoms:
- Purulent arthritis is expressed by high fever, severe swelling, acute pain and redness of the skin. Not only some movements are difficult, but also getting out of bed. Pain can shoot. In this case, urgent medical assistance is required.
- Necrosis of the head of the femoral bone occurs with poor blood flow in this area. This initiates the death of tissue cells. Signs of the disease are acute pain, which is accompanied by a burning feeling that radiates to the groin. Analgesic injections are often required to be able to stand.
- Tuberculous arthritis often occurs in children with impaired immune systems. This pathology develops slowly. The boy got tired quickly and ran a little. Over time, the joints begin to click, and the legs become shorter.
- Bursitis is an inflammatory pathology of the articular joints. The main symptom is pain that radiates to the leg. Particular discomfort is felt when walking.
Features of pathological diagnosis

First, you need to go to a therapist, who will tell you which doctor to go to. The patient was given a comprehensive diagnosis.
The following procedure applies:
- Ultrasound examination.
- X-ray of the thigh, which is done in two projections.
- General analysis and biochemistry of blood. In this case, the presence of rheumatoid factor is determined by changes in the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes and the level of leukocytes.
- External examination by palpation and interrogation of the patient.
- MRI.
After the examination, the doctor will determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.
How to treat pathology
The method of therapy is largely determined by the cause that causes the disease.
congenital dislocation
With such a pathology, orthopedic devices are applied to the child, such as supports, stirrups or Freik pillows.
These devices keep the baby's feet in the correct position from a physiological point of view. They are used for at least six months.
In rare cases, when conservative methods do not help, surgery is prescribed. In this case, the head of the femur is reduced. Even after removing orthopedic aids, babies need to do light massages that strengthen their muscles.
Traumatic dislocation
If there is such a disease, then the doctor prescribes drugs that help to remove muscle tone, as well as restore the joints.
It is important to keep the patient calm. If the limb begins to go numb, then this indicates a pinched nerve.
In this case, an examination by a neurologist is necessary.
Hip fracture

In this situation, treatment is carried out by a traumatologist. Most often, an operation is prescribed. If surgical intervention is not possible, then a cast is applied from the lower back to the heel.
It should be borne in mind that after 60 years, such injuries practically do not grow together.
Bechterew syndrome
With such a disease, complex treatment is prescribed, which allows you to reduce the symptoms of the inflammatory process.
Therapy includes:
- Drugs - hormonal, immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory compounds.
- Therapeutic exercises - muscle stretching.
- Physiotherapy procedures.
- The right and left joints are massaged.
All sets of exercises and preparations should be selected by a traumatologist, surgeon or orthopedist. To strengthen the pelvic muscles, you need to practice swimming.
If the case is severe, then the patient may be prescribed arthroplasty.
Reiter's disease
To treat this pathology, anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids and drugs that suppress the functioning of the immune system are used.
Treatment will take about 4 months.
Such a pathology may recur in the future. You also need to maintain tone with the help of exercises - stretching.
Rheumatoid arthritis
This disease is considered very common. Every hundred people suffer from it. At the same time, women are more susceptible to it than men. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy changes in the structure of the pelvic bones occur.
The main symptoms of this disease are pain and stiffness when walking.
Treatment with hormonal agents, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cytostatics is used.
Exercises, stretch marks and topical ointments are very effective. Surgical intervention is used in the last stages of the disease, when it is impossible to walk and sit.
At the same time, arthroplasty and joint fixation are recommended. After surgery, there is a decrease in pain symptoms, an increase in mobility and prevention of possible complications.
Corxarthrosis is a disease in which there is a problem with hyaline cartilage.
This is most common in older people. Various measures and procedures are used in treatment. This can take the form of medication and surgery. First, drugs are prescribed, and if they are not effective, then surgery is prescribed. In the early stages, the disease is treated with conservative methods.
Chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, as well as agents that increase blood flow are prescribed. For treatment, warming and analgesic ointments can be used, as well as therapeutic exercises.
In some cases, the joint will need to be sedated. If the discomfort is severe, then injections are used. If the stage is the latter, then coxarthrosis is not amenable to therapy.
At the same time, any load will only worsen your well-being, and even getting out of bed causes pain. In such a situation, only surgical treatment will help.
Replacement endoprosthesis is often used, but this method is not used for the elderly. After surgery, simple recovery and training procedures are required, but under the supervision of a doctor.
The load must be minimal.
Treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases
You need to know how to treat infectious pathologies. With such problems, treatment is prescribed by a doctor.
The method of therapy depends on the type of disease:
- With purulent arthritis, it is first necessary to anesthetize the affected hip joint. In this case, analgesic injections are used. Antibiotics and antibacterial agents are used to fight infection. Abscess removal is also used. In this case, a splint or plaster is applied.
- To cure aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, it is necessary to restore blood flow so that the dead area is restored. It is necessary to anesthetize with the help of NSAIDs. Complexes with vitamins and agents for reducing blood viscosity are actively used. If the thigh begins to hurt, then you need to resort to anesthetic and massage compositions. Therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy procedures are also used. If the case is complicated, then joint arthroplasty and surgical methods are used.
- With bursitis, the joints can be very painful, so they must be sedated. In this case, anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds are used. With severe discomfort, steroid agents are relevant.
- Tuberculous arthritis is treated conservatively. Joint mobility is limited by a special tight bandage. When an abscess forms in the soft tissue, it is removed surgically.
Home care
Please, don't self-medicate. Consult a doctor!
Traditional medicine is an addition to the main treatment, but not a substitute. There are various ways to treat arthritis or arthrosis.
It should be borne in mind that all traditional methods help only to relieve painful symptoms, but do not help dramatically.
Here are some recipes:
- Radish compresses are applied to the affected area. To do this, the roots must be grated, then boiled in warm water. After that, a compress is applied to the affected area.
- Cabbage care. This vegetable has long been used to relieve joint and bone pain. Compresses can be made from cabbage leaves or juice. Juice can be squeezed with a juicer or from crushed leaves. The tissue is soaked in juice and applied to the affected area. Honey can be applied to the leaves and placed on the affected area overnight.
- Oatmeal compresses are done like this. First, the porridge is boiled in a small amount of water, and then placed in gauze. Compress is applied to the affected area.
- Grind the egg shells and mix with kefir. The mixture is wrapped in linen or gauze, and then applied to the sore spot.
For arthritis, special solutions and decoctions are prepared to drink. Apple cider vinegar is recommended to be drunk several times a day.
In this case, a spoonful of the solution is placed in a glass of water.
Do not use the composition for stomach problems.
A decoction of bay leaves is also useful. Half a pack should be taken in a pot of water. Then the decoction must be filtered and drunk before going to bed.
You can be treated with the help of different juices. The most effective are choices of beets, carrots and juices from other vegetables.
With proper and fast treatment, you can overcome any disease.
The main thing is not to give up, but to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and, if possible, carry out therapeutic exercises.